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One of the cleanest utilities in the nation

FPL uses a diverse mix of fuels at our power plants to generate reliable electricity. Because of our fuel mix, FPL is recognized as a clean energy company, with one of the lowest emissions profiles among U.S. utilities. FPL’s carbon dioxide emissions rate, for example, is 35 percent better than the industry average. FPL currently obtains most of our electricity from clean-burning natural gas. Nuclear power, which produces no greenhouse gas emissions, is responsible for another significant portion of power production. In addition, FPL has begun operation of three commercial-scale, emissions-free solar energy facilities in the Sunshine State.    

image of fuel mix and purchased power  image of emissions chart

No. 2 in energy efficiency

FPL ranks No. 2 among electric utilities nationwide in electric generation avoided through demand-side management programs, according to the latest U.S. Department of Energy data. Because of our partnership with customers, FPL has saved more megawatts than nearly any other utility in the country. These efforts have allowed FPL to avoid building 13 medium-sized power plants since 1980.

One of the very lowest bills in the state

By operating efficiently and responsibly, FPL has kept its typical residential customer bills among the very lowest of all 55 electric utilities in the state – and we’re working to make them even lower. We have kept customer bills low by keeping our operating costs low and by investing in more efficient power generation technology. Our operating costs are the lowest of all utilities in the country with more than 100,000 customers.  Moreover, through significant investments in our generation fleet and improvements in generation, we have improved our fuel efficiency by 17 percent since 2001. Those improvements saved customers approximately half a billion dollars in fuel costs in 2010 alone.

Planning ahead to meet our customers' energy needs

At FPL, we’re committed to meeting our customers’ energy needs, now and in the future. We’re delivering on that commitment through sound planning and low-cost, reliable and environmentally responsible new generation resources. We plan years into the future and annually update our plans with the Florida Public Service Commission.

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FPL Power Plant Modernization

West County Energy Center

Unit 3 began serving customers in 2011.

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St. Lucie and Turkey Point

Additional generation from these nuclear units began serving customers in 2011 and 2012.

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Turkey Point Units 6 and 7

Could serve more than 1.3 million homes with no greenhouse gas emissions.

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Cape Canaveral Next Generation Clean Energy Center

Began serving customers in 2013.

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Riviera Beach Next Generation Clean Energy Center

Began serving customers in 2014.

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