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Regardless of your company's size or industry, engaging your employees in conservation efforts and letting them discover ways to change workplace habits are the most effective ways to lower costs.

FPL energy experts work with business customers by providing information to help them start an employee energy awareness campaign. Typical businesses can save up to 10 percent on energy costs just by adjusting simple habits.

Not only will you strengthen your business' bottom line, it is also a great way to demonstrate your commitment to improving the environment to your customers and industry peers.

Keys to success

The U.S. Department of Energy provides simple steps to help businesses achieve success in implementing a Workplace Conservation Program. Click on the links to learn more:

Reducing your business' carbon footprint helps your bottom line and allows you to save energy while enhancing your business operations. Take your commitment to the next level through a Business Energy Evaluation that will provide tailored suggestions for ways that you can lower your energy usage. 

Workplace energy awareness tools

Turn off the lights brochure

Turn off the lights

See unused lights brochure 

See unused lights?

Tools for employees

Sleep mode brochure 

Computer sleep mode