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Private Rooftop Solar

Although investing in solar energy isn’t for everyone, if you are considering installing a private rooftop solar power system on your home or business, FPL is here to support you with fact-based information to help you research and to ensure the safe interconnection of your system so you can sell us your excess energy. Learn more about how rooftop solar panels work and what you need to consider before hiring a contractor.

rooftop solar panels

How rooftop solar works

  1. Panels absorb the sunlight's energy and produce direct current
  2. Direct current flows to an inverter that converts the energy into alternating current
  3. The alternating current is used to power your home or business

Rooftop solar panels work whenever the sun is shining and produce more energy when sunlight hits the panels directly, rather than at an angle. When the sun is not shining or on rainy days, homes and businesses are powered by FPL’s highly fuel-efficient power plant fleet, one of the cleanest among all utilities nationwide.

Net Metering

Florida’s net-metering rules enable electric customers to connect approved renewable generation systems such as rooftop solar panels to the energy grid so you can not only buy power from your utility but also sell excess power to your utility via the energy grid. FPL customers receive a smart bidirectional meter that tracks how much energy you use and how much excess energy you deliver to the grid so you can earn a one-to-one kilowatt-hour credit on your bill.

Apply for Net Metering

Man and woman running through the water on the beach

My Solar Energy Options

Discover which solar programs might be right for you and see how were building a more resilient and sustainable energy future we can all depend on while keeping bills low.

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