
Most FPL customers are provided with a communicating smart meter as the standard meter service. These meters communicate the same type of information that FPL previously collected through manual meter readings, but at more frequent intervals and over a wireless network. This enables FPL to offer a number of additional benefits to customers.

A non-communicating meter is available to eligible customers through FPL’s Non-Standard Meter Rider Option. It is the older technology meter and is no longer in standard use by FPL.


The Non-Standard Meter Option is available to customers who:

  • Has not tampered with the electric meter service or used service in a fraudulent or unauthorized manner;

  • Has not refused or currently refuses to provide safe and reasonable access to their premises to FPL, its employee, or its authorized agents; or

  • Has not committed an act of violence or threatened an act of violence against FPL, its employee, or its authorized agents.

For full terms of eligibility, please refer to sheet 8.120 of FPL’s Non-Standard Meter Rider – NSMR Tariff for complete information.


Customers who are enrolled in the Non-Standard Meter Option must pay fees to cover the additional costs of providing non-standard service: An enrollment fee of $89 and a monthly surcharge of $13.


Non-Standard Meter Type

An eligible customer electing to take a Non-Standard Meter shall be provided with a non-communicating meter of the Company’s choice.

Minimum Term

If customers choose to enroll in the Non-Standard Meter Option, or if they are enrolled into this option because FPL has been prevented from installing the standard meter, they must do so for at least one (1) billing period (about 30 days).


If customers cancel their enrollment in the Non-Standard Meter Option within 45 days after the initial charges have been billed, they will receive a full refund provided that (1) they did not previously have a smart meter installed and (2) they agree to the installation of a smart meter. The refund will be processed after the smart meter has been installed.


Automatic Enrollment

Even if they don’t actively enroll in the Non-Standard Meter Option, customers who have a non-standard meter will be automatically enrolled in and billed for the Non-Standard Meter Option if they prevent FPL from installing a smart meter or fail to respond to requests to select a meter option. Eligibility rules apply.

Meter Maintenance

Because so few customers have non-standard meters, the non-standard meters may not be readily available on service trucks. If maintenance to the meter is required, we may need to install a smart meter temporarily to maintain electric service to the premises. If this occurs, we will come back out and replace the smart meter with a non-standard meter as soon as practical. We expect this to take less than a month, and if it takes longer we will not bill the monthly fee until the smart meter is replaced.



Customers must re-enroll in the Non-Standard Meter Option and pay the enrollment fee if they wish to initiate the non-standard meter service after relocating to new premises. Customers who cancel Non-Standard Meter Option service and then later re-enroll for this service at any location would also be required to pay another enrollment fee.

All other terms and conditions of FPL service apply.