
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

Streamline your billing process

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a service some companies use to streamline their bill receipt operations. Interfacing your business’ systems with FPL Northwest FL is another way your company can receive billing information through reliable and secure electronic exchanges. With FPL Northwest FL, EDI is another convenient option to help your business save time and increase productivity.

How to set up EDI for billing


  1. Review FPL Northwest FL’s implementation guidelines and confirm you can send a 997-acknowledgment file for each EDI 810 bill we send
  2. Verify with your company's technology department to see if this is a process that you are currently using
  3. Email us the following information:
  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Contact phone number
  • Contact email address
  • Attach a spreadsheet file with the billing account number and address of each account that should be included in the EDI billing file.

Need help?

Email FPL Northwest FL's EDI Department or contact your account representative for more information. Please include your name, company name and phone number in any e-mail requests.