
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

Woman working in a solar panel field

Advancing solar energy in Florida

My Solar Energy Options

a family walking out the door of their home letting in sunlight

FPL SolarTogether®

Enjoy hassle-free solar energy benefits without rooftop panels – you’re eligible whether you rent or own your house, condo or apartment.

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FPL SolarVantage™

Install custom solar assets on-site with zero upfront capital costs through our convenient turnkey solution.

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Community solar

Bringing solar energy closer one community at a time with solar trees, Solar Zones and solar parking canopies.

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Private Rooftop Solar

If you’re considering installing rooftop solar panels, learn more about how it works and how you can sell power back to FPL through our net metering program.

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Building Florida’s energy future


solar panels in a field

Learn about solar energy

Solar energy is one of the most cost-effective forms of new power generation we can invest in on behalf of customers. Learn more about how solar energy works and why solar sites make good neighbors.

Read about solar

three workers building a battery storage unit

Battery storage

Battery storage will play a crucial role in FPL’s efforts to enhance grid resiliency for customers. Battery storage facilities extend the capabilities of solar energy centers to deliver low-cost, reliable energy when customers need it most.

View our systems

solar panel construction

Supporting local economies

Our solar energy centers generate cost-effective electricity while supporting local economies through job creation.

See how we support local economies

aerial view of the ibis solar center

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Receive regular updates on FPL’s solar and battery projects and new technologies.

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