FPL works closely with customers and contractors to ensure safe, efficient grid interconnections for renewable generation, such as solar panels. Customers with grid-interconnected renewable generation can participate in FPL’s net-metering program. The goal of net metering is to offset all or part of the customer's energy use at the customer's metered service account. Systems should not be sized so large that energy produced by the renewable generator would be expected to exceed 115 percent of the customer’s annual kWh consumption.
Tier 3 (>100 kW up to 2,000 kW)
Battery systems for personal use (customer-owned installations behind the customer’s meter)
For customers interested in installing battery storage systems for personal use (i.e., behind the customer’s meter), FPL has developed the policy below. The policy ensures we adequately protect the safety of those working on the electrical grid, monitor the impact of energy storage systems on the grid, and evaluate the potential economic impact of the installation of these systems to all customers. This policy is subject to change as the implications of this emerging technology are better understood, and as legislative or regulatory action may dictate.
If a customer wants to export power to the grid, the customer will be required to complete a Small Generator Interconnection Agreement. Stand-alone battery storage systems are not included in the definition of “renewable energy” pursuant to Rule 25-6.065(2)(d), Florida Administrative Code, and the output from such systems is not net metered.