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Wholesale Regulatory, Rates and Tariffs

OATT Annual Informational and True-Up Filings and Business Practices

Florida Power & Light Company operations conducts transmission business in Peninsular Florida and Northwest Florida in accordance with the Florida Power & Light Company Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”). FPL’s business practices for OATT transmission service are posted at oati.oasis.com/fpl/ under the “Business Practices, Waivers and Exemptions” folder.

Charges for transmission service under the FPL OATT in Peninsular Florida are at stated rates set forth in Schedule 7A, Schedule 8A and Attachment H-1 of the tariff posted at oati.oasis.com/fpl/ under the “FPL OATT Documents” folder.

Charges for transmission service under the FPL OATT in Northwest Florida are determined pursuant to a formula rate on file with FERC that is forecasted and trued-up in annual informational filings filed in FERC Docket No. ER22-1837-000. Annual information and true-up filings for the Northwest Florida formula rate are available at oasis.oati.com/fpl/ under the “FPLNW Tariff Rates” folder. On March 29, 2024, FPL filed forecasted rates for transmission service in Northwest Florida, which are capped at $3.2754/kW-month and went into effect on April 1, 2024. On July 19, 2024, FPL filed a true-up to the formula rate based on 2023 cost data, which was also capped at $3.2754/kW-month.  

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