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Storm Restoration


After a storm, we’re focused on getting life back to normal safely and as quickly as possible

All our efforts after a storm are guided by one principle – restore power to the largest number of customers safely and as quickly as possible:

  • We repair power plants and damaged transmission lines and substations, which are essential to providing electric service to all of our customers.
  • We prioritize restoring power to critical facilities such as hospitals, police and fire stations, communication facilities, water treatment plants and transportation providers.
  • At the same time, we work to return service to the largest number of customers in the shortest amount of time − including service to major thoroughfares that host supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and other needed community services.
  • Once larger repairs have been made, we restore service to smaller groups, working around the clock until everyone has power again.
  • Learn more here about how FPL restores power

When to expect estimated times of restoration

We know you need information to make plans, and we pledge to keep you informed throughout the restoration effort. Our estimated restoration times are based on the amount of damage a storm inflicts on the electric system and the resources we have available.

  • 24 hours post-landfall, once we have conducted damage assessments, we will provide an estimate of when power will be restored for all customers.
  • 48 hours post-landfall, as our field crews continue to make more thorough assessments, we will provide a county-by-county restoration estimate.
  • 96 hours post-landfall, we’ll provide restoration estimates at a more local level.

Please help us keep the phone lines open for emergency calls and only contact us to report a downed power line or other emergencies.

Post-Storm Frequently Asked Questions

After facilities to make and move power are repaired – power plants, transmission lines and substations – the focus shifts to emergency responders such as facilities critical to public health and safety like hospitals, police and fire stations, water reclamation sites and communications systems. Following emergency service restoration is the large service areas which, when restored, will energize large amounts of customers efficiently.

Some homes and businesses are so damaged that crews are unable to connect power. Please call FPL at 1-800-4OUTAGE (800-468-8243) and a representative can help you determine if your home or business can receive power.

Most likely, either your service line from the pole is disconnected or your home has damage to your weather head mast or meter box. That equipment is your responsibility to repair. Please call FPL at 1-800-4OUTAGE (800-468-8243) to report your outage.

Yes! Customers can help in several ways:

  • First, we want you to stay safe by staying away from flooded areas and downed wires.
  • When driving, please clear the way for utility trucks. That’s a little thing that really helps.
  • When you see trucks in your neighborhood, please let them work.  Asking the crew questions slows restoration down for everyone.
  • When cleaning up, keep debris piles away from utility poles and transformers.
  • We appreciate your help as we work to ensure everyone’s power is restored safely and as quickly as possible.

There are several reasons why your power can go off temporarily after restoration.  Power to your area may have been shut off in order to safely restore service to other areas or there may have been residual damage that occurred such as a tree limb falling on a power line.

Some of the reasons why there may be a crew parked are that they may have finished their prior assignment and are reviewing their next assignment, they may be requesting additional equipment and materials, or they may need to wait for electrical switching to occur to make the line safe for them to work.

The crews may need to pick up more supplies to continue restoration, conditions have become unsafe or repairs are still underway to other portions of the system, such as transmission lines or substations.

  • Stay clear of areas where there is a lot of debris or downed trees because it could conceal an energized power line. Also stay clear of chain link fences which may be energized if touching a downed line.
  • Treat any downed wire as if it is energized because you can’t tell by looking if a downed wire is live or not. Telephone or cable television wires that are touching a power line could become energized and should also be avoided. Call 911 to report the location of any downed lines.
  • Standing water (puddles from flooding) may be energized from a downed line. Be careful not to touch or step in water near where a downed power line is located. If a downed line is near water — even a small puddle — keep well away.
    Don’t attempt to repair the electrical system or pull tree limbs off lines. Let our trained work crews perform this potentially dangerous work.