
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

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Ask the Energy Expert

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Unlock the secret to saving $160 a year

Here’s a cool way to lower your energy costs: make one small change to your laundry routine. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also help the planet. Ready to find out how?

Switch and Save

How much do my holiday inflatables cost?

Wondering about the cost of your holiday decorations? Discover their impact on your bill and how to save.

How do I get the benefits of solar without rooftop panels?

Many customers are interested in the benefits of solar energy but are unable to install panels or don’t want the hassle.

Are energy phantoms hiding in your home?

These sneaky "always on" devices can lurk in every room, draining your energy and wallet. Unmask the culprits and save.

Explore our archive of past energy-saving questions and tips.

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