Lower your carbon footprint, save money over time, and help keep Florida beautiful for generations to come. By subscribing to FPL SolarTogether®, you’ll receive bill credits for your share of the solar energy generated at the FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers, lowering your bill over time.
The program is currently open for small and medium business customers and is closed for large commercial and industrial customers at this time.
More than 100K customers have joined the nation’s largest community solar program. Now everyone – including small and medium businesses – can go solar and lower their environmental impact as the SolarTogether program grows.
Increasing the amount of solar energy available makes accessing the benefits of solar easier and more affordable than ever. The SolarTogether program is offered to all FPL customers, whether you rent or own your business and no matter where your business is located in Florida.
As a participant in the program, you can choose to get up to 100% of your business’s energy from solar.* Pay a fixed monthly charge and start receiving bill credits based on the solar produced through your subscription. Over time, your credits will be more than your monthly charge, lowering your bill.
6.5 tons of CO2 emissions avoided
14,767 miles of driving avoided
98 trees planted
**The environmental CO2 emissions equivalence (miles driven and trees planted) are statistics from Environmental Protection Agency’s Green House Gas Calculator.
Program Disclaimer:
1. The graphics above are an estimate based on historical data from satellite and ground-based measurements averaged over two decades. While this data is useful in estimating average program credits over the life of the program, it is important to understand that in any given month, season or year, actual credits may be higher or lower than the average. Actual solar generation is influenced by varying weather conditions, such as cloudiness, temperature, the angle of the sun, rainfall and other factors. Due to this weather variability, it is expected that actual subscription credits will vary from the estimate month-to-month, year-to-year or over multi-year periods.
2. Assumes 447 MW in 2023, 745 MW in 2024 and 596 MW in 2025; construction timing subject to market disruption and variability, such as construction delays due to solar panel availability.
*The power generated by the FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers will be delivered directly to the energy grid, where it is combined with power generated from other conventional energy sources in FPL’s system.