
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

FPL Budget Billing® gives you peace of mind by averaging out your energy costs throughout the year, so you pay about the same each month. 

When you enroll in FPL Budget Billing, your monthly bill statement will show the difference between the bill for your actual electric charges and your monthly Budget Billing amount – this will help you keep an eye on your energy usage so you can remain in control.

While this program does not save you money, it is a great way to manage what you pay every month.

Program benefits include:

  • Reduce seasonal bill spikes caused by weather
  • Remain in control with easier to manage monthly expenses
  • It’s FREE – you pay only for the energy you use

Sign up for FPL Budget Billing

Enroll by April 4 and receive a $5 gift card to use at places like Walmart®, Amazon®, Dunkin’® and more!

Get started


Offer ends April 4, 2025. See Official Rules for further details. 

Additional information

  • Your monthly Budget Billing amount will be based on the average of your actual bills during the last 12 months.
  • We continue to read your meter each month. Your monthly bill shows exactly how much energy you use, the actual electric charges amount, and any deferred balance on your account.
  • Each month 1/12 of your deferred balance will be added (or subtracted if a credit) to your average bill amount and becomes your current bill – so your bills will vary slightly from month to month.

When you enroll in FPL Budget Billing, you will receive a monthly statement that includes three amounts:

  1.  "Actual electric chargesamount – what you would pay on FPL’s regular billing plan.
  2. "FPL Budget Billingamount – what you owe as a Budget Billing customer.
  3. "Deferred Balanceamount – the cumulative difference between your "actual electric charges" and your "FPL Budget Billing" amount. This balance also reflects what will be added to or subtracted from your final bill, should you decide to stop using the program.

We encourage you to stay on the program for at least one year to realize the benefit and to avoid paying a high deferred balance. There is no annual "true-up" period with FPL Budget Billing unless you close your account, discontinue the program, or FPL Budget Billing is discontinued because of a past-due bill. Please note that if FPL Budget Billing is discontinued, you will be unable to enroll for 12 months. 

While not a savings program, Budget Billing does even out your annual energy costs during the year, so you pay approximately the same amount each month. There may be months when your Budget Bill is higher or lower than your actual electric charges but remember – these charges are distributed evenly throughout the year. You pay only for the energy you use.

Offer redeemable towards the redemption of a $5 gift card. For promotional use only.

A gift card selection page will be sent via email to recipients. If you are a recipient, you will receive your selection email within 3 to 4 weeks after offer end date. Please make sure you provide us with an accurate email address and add Support@FPLEBillRewards.com to your list of “allowed senders.” This will ensure you receive your gift card selection email if you are using spam filtering for emails.

© 2019 DD IP Holder LLC. The Dunkin' Brands name, design, logos and related marks are trademarks of DD IP Holder LLC. All rights reserved and used under license. Dunkin’ is not a sponsor of this promotion. The Dunkin' Card is subject to complete terms and conditions.

Amazon.com is not a sponsor of this promotion. Except as required by law, Amazon.com Gift Cards ("GCs") cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. GCs may be used only for purchases of eligible goods at Amazon.com or certain of its affiliated websites. View the complete terms and conditions. All Amazon ®, ™ & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.

FPL is not affiliated with Walmart Stores, Inc., or any of its affiliates. The services, products or activities of FPL are neither endorsed nor sponsored by Walmart Stores, Inc., or any of its affiliates. See complete gift card terms and conditions.

By enrolling in FPL’s Budget Billing, you agree that your monthly bill will be calculated by the Budget Billing terms.

Any residential customer with no delinquent balance is eligible to participate in Budget Billing. A customer may terminate participation in the program at any time and/or may be terminated by FPL if their account becomes subject to collection action.

While enrolled in Budget Billing, a customer is billed monthly on a levelized consumption basis rather than on the basis of current consumption. A Budget Bill monthly bill will contain:

Actual Bill: Current consumption and associated charges; what would have been charged if off the program.

Budget Bill: The levelized consumption amount, which is determined by averaging the last 12 monthly billings for the premise, plus 1/12 of the deferred balance.

To note: If the account has been active for less than 12 months on the premise, then FPL will use a combination of the customer’s billing history and the history on the premise.

Deferred Balance: Any difference between the levelized amount and the actual bill amount is added to a deferred balance.

If the Customer’s participation in the Budget Bill program is terminated, for whatever reason, the deferred balance will be applied to the customer’s next bill, and the customer will not be able to rejoin the program for 12 months following the date of termination. If the deferred balance was a credit at the time of termination, the balance will be credited against any outstanding billed amounts, and any remaining balance will be credited against the Customer’s future billings or returned upon request. If the deferred balance was a debit at the time of termination, the balance will be billed to the Customer. Customers who transfer the location of their service account within FPL’s territory will have the debit or credit balance transferred to the new service address.

Note:  Any GS-1 or GSD-1 customer who has no delinquent balances and has been at the same location for 12 consecutive months with the company is eligible to participate in the Budget Billing Plan excluding GS-1 or GSD-1 customers that rent electrical facilities from the company under a Facility Rental Service Agreement and GSD-1 customers taking service under the Seasonal Demand Time of Use Rider.