
Ask the Energy Expert

Even with employees taking summer vacations, businesses often use more energy in the summer due to the extreme heat. I am frequently asked about tips to combat the increased energy needed to keep the office cool.

Here are my four favorite tips that are easy to implement:

1. Power down:

Encourage employees to power down their computers at the end of the day rather than leaving them in sleep mode.

2. Use a smart thermostat:

Program it to adjust temperature settings based on occupancy hours, ensuring optimal comfort during working hours while conserving energy after hours.

3. HVAC maintenance:

Air conditioning costs are typically the largest part of a business’ energy bill. Schedule regular professional inspections and clean filters to keep your system running smoothly and ensure better air quality and energy savings.

4. Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting:

  • LED fixtures last longer and consume less energy than traditional fluorescent fixtures, offering significant cost savings over time.
  • Control lighting with motion sensors to reduce energy waste in unoccupied areas.


By applying these simple strategies, you can keep employees and customers cool while combating the impact of the rising heat on your energy use.

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jennifer brink

Meet Jennifer

A seasoned program manager, Jennifer, has more than 25 years of experience in energy efficiency. She manages the Business Energy Manager, designed to help customers manage their business energy usage. She oversees the Business Custom Incentive program to accommodate customers with energy efficiency improvements and current savings offers.

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