At FPL, we're committed to environmental excellence in everything we do.

We understand that our customers care deeply about the environment and not only want affordable, reliable power, but also clean energy today and in the future. That’s why we go the extra mile to protect the air we breathe, the water and land we use and the plants and animals that share our planet.

FPL understands that protecting the environment is a collective responsibility. It's why we have a dedicated team that is actively involved in our environmental accountability, management and stewardship programs that are intended to:

  • Design, construct, operate and maintain our facilities in an environmentally sound and responsible manner
  • Prevent pollution, minimize waste and conserve natural resources
  • Avoid, minimize and/or mitigate impacts to habitat and wildlife
  • Engage local stakeholders and environmental agencies

Renewable Energy

FPL is the largest producer of solar in Florida and we are in the midst of one of the largest solar expansions in the U.S. For the first time ever, FPL projects that solar power will outpace coal and oil combined as a percentage of the company's energy mix in 2020. 

Wildlife and Habitat

Florida is home to thousands of species, and we're committed to their well-being. We work hard to understand Florida's diverse ecosystems and look for innovative ways to protect them. 


Water is as critical to traditional forms of power generation as it is to humans. To ensure sustainable access to this natural resource, we're active stewards for sourcing, using and managing water in the communities in which we operate.


Air is a natural resource that is essential to our everyday life. At FPL, we demonstrate every day that an energy company can be clean and still provide low-cost, reliable energy at the same time.

Waste Management

When it comes to minimizing our waste footprint, we believe in the basics: reduce, reuse and recycle. FPL is committed to reducing its waste footprint across its fleet and actively seeks opportunities to identify and implement recycling and reuse programs.