
Ask the Energy Expert

Save up to $160 a year on your energy bill with cold water

Did you know that switching to cold water for your laundry can save you up to $0.80 per load? Washing four loads a week in hot water over the course of the year adds up to $160 in savings! It’s a simple change that cuts down on energy costs while also helping preserve the life of your clothing.

Other reasons cold water wins

  • Cold water is just as effective at removing stains
  • Modern detergents are formulated to clean well in cold water, ensuring your clothes come out just as fresh.
  • Cold water prevents colors from fading, keeping your fabrics vibrant longer.

Boost your laundry energy efficiency

  1. Pre-treat stains to ensure effective cleaning.
  2. Wash full loads whenever possible. If you need to run smaller loads, adjust your water settings to save even more energy.
  3. Air-dry clothes to cut down on energy use and preserve fabric quality.

These small adjustments can lead to big savings and a smaller environmental footprint.

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Meet Eddy

Eddy specializes in energy efficiency. He is passionate about identifying realistic solutions to meet people's lifestyle and connecting with the community.

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