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Name Change on an Account

Please note: To make a name change request, you will need an FPL login. If you do not have an FPL User ID and password, please register before getting started.

What to expect

Changing the name of the primary account holder is simple. The steps below outline what you may be asked during the online name change process.

1. The reason for the request

        For example:

  • Misspelling of account name
  • Marriage, divorce or other legal name change
  • Death of current account holder

2. The updated name for the account

3. The name provided will be verified electronically, or in some instances, you may be asked to download a document to return by U.S. mail to FPL with supporting documentation.


Get Started

I do not have a login

You may also need

To complete the online process, you may need:

  • Driver's license, or
  • Social Security number

Please note: You may be asked to create a new account and start service if you are a relative or roommate requesting a transfer of the account to your name.