
Ask the Energy Expert

Unplugging appliances: How much can you really save?

Many people aren’t aware of the energy consumed by devices that are seemingly turned off, also known as "phantom energy users." You might be skeptical about whether unplugging a device can significantly affect your energy use – I’m here to show you how small changes can lead to real savings.

What is a phantom energy user?

Phantom energy users are devices that consume electricity even when they appear to be turned off. These phantom users can account for up to 5% - 10% of your household's energy use – leaving a real impact on your wallet over time.

Unmasking the culprits

These energy-draining devices pull standby power or “ghost loads,” meaning they maintain a constant power draw due to LED lights or digital displays that remain ready for instant use. You can find them in almost every room in your house. Common culprits include:

  • Kitchen appliances: Coffee makers, toaster ovens and other appliances with digital displays
  • Chargers: Phone and laptop chargers use energy when plugged in, even if you’re not charging your device
  • Entertainment systems: Gaming consoles, cable TV boxes and other home entertainment devices
  • Printers and scanners: Consume power even when in standby mode

What can you do?

1. Unplug or use power strips and smart devices:

The simplest and most effective solution is to unplug devices when they're not in use. Alternatively, use power strips and turn them off when not needed – this will help you control multiple devices at once and can save you money.

2. Choose energy-efficient devices:
When purchasing new appliances or electronics, look for ENERGY STAR certified products. These items are designed to be more energy-efficient and use less power in standby mode.

3. Monitor your energy use:
Take advantage of our free Energy Manager tool. This online tool helps you analyze your energy use, see where you can make changes and estimate potential savings.

4. Educate and involve family members:
Raise awareness about the impact of phantom energy users and encourage everyone in the household to develop the habit of turning off devices and unplugging chargers when they’re not in use.

By implementing these simple strategies like unplugging devices, using power strips and choosing energy-efficient products, you’ll be on your way to reducing your energy use. These small actions can lead to significant savings!


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Meet Nick

Nick is an energy expert and a driving force behind the "Power to Save" program which aims to provide weatherization improvements to low-income homes and reduce energy costs.  

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