
Our expert-led sessions provide actionable strategies and showcase our business programs, services and resources – all to empower your business with energy-saving insights. Sign up — find energy-efficiency opportunities and savings.

Energy programs, insights and more

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New ways to save more

Explore energy-savvy programs to reduce your energy use and bill. Find A/C and lighting rebates, programs with monthly credits and much more.

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Register for a webinar

Reserve your spot at our upcoming webinar to learn how to maximize your business’ savings with our tailored energy programs, rebates and tools.

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Simplify multiple accounts

Streamline your business operations and save time by effortlessly handling numerous accounts on our user-friendly multi-account dashboard.

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Helpful videos

Explore our on-demand webinar library for previous sessions. Catch up at your convenience and stay informed.

reporting an outage during a storm

How to report an outage during a storm

At FPL, we train for emergency response events year-round, and it’s important that you’re prepared as well. Have a plan in place before a storm, including knowing how to sign up for outage alerts for your business locations. Learn how with FPL’s Alicia Clein, Senior Customer Experience Specialist.

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SolarTogether®: How does community solar work?

Thousands of Floridians have joined the nation’s largest community solar program. Achieve your sustainability goals and save money over time – all without installing panels on your property. Get all your questions answered by Jennifer Wilson, FPL Project Manager for Development.

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Multi-account dashboard tips

Get an overview of our multi-account dashboard, your one-stop-shop for managing all your business accounts. Led by Sheila Jonace, FPL Senior Customer Experience Specialist. 

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Reduce your monthly bill with credits

Our free Business On Call® program is an easy way to save, and earn you credits even when the program is not activated. Joe Jones, FPL Senior Business Specialist, explains how the program works and how to start earning bill credits.

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SolarTogether®: How does it work?

Enjoy an easy and affordable option to participate in the environmental and financial benefits of solar energy. Jennifer Wilson, FPL Project Manager for Development, answers all your questions.

Explore billing and payment options

Our Business Energy Manager is a free-to-use tool which tracks your energy use across locations and provides easy tips to help you save.