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The proposed new nuclear facilities at FPL's existing Turkey Point site would create a substantial economic stimulus to Miami-Dade County and local communities during construction and operation, including payroll, property taxes, local service contracts, and purchases worth billions of dollars.

The project would create job opportunities for thousands of skilled workers during construction, plus hundreds of additional, full-time, high-wage jobs once the new units are up and running.

Customer savings

  • Saves customers an estimated $800 million in fuel costs in the first full year of operation
  • The project would enhance fuel diversity and energy independence for Floridians, reducing the impact of volatility in natural gas and oil prices

Regional stimulus

  • Would provide more than $6 billion in benefits to the local economy over the next decade, as construction spending stimulates the local economy
  • Would provide more than $100 million annual property tax revenue in support of Miami-Dade schools, public safety, and other local services
  • 3,600 new jobs at the peak of the construction period
  • Approximately 800 high-paying jobs once the plant is operational

High reliability

  • Nuclear plants run reliably 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can typically operate 18 months before needing to be refueled
  • Turkey Point 6 and 7 draw on FPL's experience in producing nuclear power safely and reliably for 40 years