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Quick Facts

  • Located on Biscayne Bay, 24 miles south of Miami and just east of the Homestead area
  • Two nuclear power units:
    • the first unit began operation in 1972
    • the second unit following in 1973
  • Generates about 1,600 million watts of electricity -- enough power to supply the annual needs of more than 900,000 homes
  • Reactor manufacturer - Westinghouse
  • Turbine Generator Manufacturer - Westinghouse
  • A safe, reliable and a low-cost producer of electricity
turkey point plant

Plant milestones


Unit 3

Unit 4

Construction permit

April 1967

April 1967

Full-power operating license

July 1972

April 1973

Commercial operations


September 1973

Renewed operating licenses received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Renewed operating licenses received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

June 2002

Environmental stewardship

About nine-tenths of the Turkey Point property remains in its natural state of mangroves and fresh water wetlands. There are more than 60 known species of birds and animals that inhabit the property. Of these, 17 are endangered.

The endangered American crocodile enjoys a favorable habitat in the plant cooling canal system. We protect the crocodile and conduct research by counting crocodile nests annually to record population changes. More than 3,000 crocodiles have been marked and released, and FPL is committed to continuing protection of the species while encouraging ongoing public education. This program and the plant's unique habitat for crocodiles has attracted national attention by CNN Headline News, Disney and National Geographic.

FPL is also involved in the Florida Everglades Mitigation Bank. We are returning nearly 13,500 acres of wetlands to their natural, historical condition. We preserve this area to best serve Florida citizens and our own company goals because of the site's ecological value.

Turkey Point was recognized with the top industry award for land management and environmental stewardship.