
Learn about Solar Energy

FPL’s solar energy expansion – the largest in the U.S. – is a part of our ambitious Real Zero goal of eliminating carbon emissions from our power plant fleet by no later than 2045. We plan to achieve Real Zero with a diverse mix of solar, batteries, existing nuclear, green hydrogen and other renewables sources. And, as we work toward Real Zero, we intend to keep customer bills well below the national average just as they’ve been for more than a decade.

Today, FPL is the largest generator of solar energy in Florida with dozens of solar energy centers in operation from coast to coast as well as additional solar installations across the state 

Our solar energy centers generate clean energy for homes and businesses across Florida. Each 74.5 megawatt (MW) solar energy center can produce enough zero-emissions energy to power approximately 15,000 homes per year while eliminating emissions equivalent to taking 14,000 cars off the road each year.

For more than a decade, FPL has been leading the smart, cost-conscious expansion of solar energy in Florida, and now, we are rapidly adding even more solar as part of our Real Zero goal to completely eliminate our carbon emissions from our power plant fleet in Florida. 

How universal solar energy centers work

Watch this video to learn how solar energy centers work.

how solar power works video

FPL Solar Energy Center Characteristics


No louder than the ambient
noise of the neighborhood* 


Zero carbon

Environmentally Friendly

Protects land, water,
and wildlife


Generates air and water
quality benefits


Site status and
monitored 24/7

Good Investment

Adds to county tax base,
creates jobs, and generates
economic benefits for the

Minimal Visual Impact

Panels sit low to the ground
and are often hidden from
view behind trees and

Great Neighbors

No water or fuel required,
no lights at night, no
increase to traffic, and no
property value impacts

*Based on noise levels at a distance of 150 feet from the inverters - closer than a typical site setback

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solar panels at wildflower solar center

FPL Solar Stewardship Program

FPL has been an industry leader in conservation and stewardship for decades. Our commitment to environmental sustainability is not only the right thing to do, it also makes good business sense. Our commitment to compliance, conservation, communication and continuous improvement fosters a culture of environmental excellence in our business planning, operations and daily work. As part of this commitment, FPL ensures environmental stewardship is a key consideration throughout all phases of a solar project.

Learn more 

My Solar Energy Options

Discover which solar programs might be right for you and how we’re advancing solar energy in Florida while keeping bills among the lowest in the nation.

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