FPL SolarTogether® is a collaborative community effort, which makes going solar easy for everyone. Designed with convenience and budget in mind, the program empowers you to start your solar journey in a way that fits your life, without the hassle and upfront costs of rooftop panels. Instead, you’ll benefit from the solar produced at our large-scale energy centers we’re building across Florida. Allowing you to play a part in creating a cleaner, more sustainable environment for future generations.
Gary Testa, who joined the program in 2021, enjoys summer savings and a simple way to participate in solar benefits without installing panels.
Watch this video to learn more.
No rooftop solar panels
Forget maintenance or insurance concerns.
Zero upfront
No installation, long-term contracts or fees to join.
Escalating bill credits help you to save over time.
Open to all
Rent or own? House or apartment? You're in!
Flexible membership
Transfer if you move or cancel without penalty.*
More than 100,000 Floridians have joined the nation’s largest community solar program. Now everyone can go solar and lower their environmental impact as the SolarTogether program grows.
Increasing the amount of solar energy available makes accessing the benefits of solar easier and more affordable than ever. The SolarTogether program is offered to all FPL customers, whether you rent or own your home, condo or business – no matter where you live in Florida.
As a participant in the program, you can choose to get up to 100% of your energy from solar.*** Pay a fixed monthly charge and start receiving bill credits based on the solar produced through your subscription. Over time, your credits will be more than your monthly charge, lowering your bill.
* To transfer you must remain within the FPL service territory.
** The environmental CO2 emissions equivalence (trees planted) is based on EPA’s AVERT 2022 Florida emission rates for a typical home max subscription of 7 kW and assumes tree seedling are grown for 10 years. The power generated by the FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers will be delivered directly to the energy grid, where it is combined with power generated from other conventional energy sources in FPL’s system.
*** The power generated by the FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers will be delivered directly to the energy grid, where it is combined with power generated from other conventional energy sources in FPL’s system.