Our advocacy partners assist us in securing federal funding to help low-income customers receive financial assistance with their electric bills. Various social-service organizations work to distribute the funds. Select from the options below to view some of the federally funded energy-assistance programs offered in our service area.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. Energy assistance is important to all that receive it, but more so if someone in your home is elderly, disabled or a young child under 6 years old. These persons are especially at risk for life threatening illness or death if their home is too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer.
There are household income guidelines and other criteria that need to be met to qualify for assistance. Your local agency will help you determine if you're eligible.
*NOTE: The availability of LIHEAP assistance is not guaranteed.
The federal government does not provide energy assistance directly to the public. To apply for assistance please contact any of the local community agencies. Once approved, they can make a payment directly to FPL on your behalf.
You may need the following:
Recent copies of your FPL bills
Recent payroll stub or other proof that shows your household's current gross income
Documentation of other income (Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Pension Funds, disability, etc.)
Final Bill Notice (if you've received a shut-off notice from FPL)
Proof of present address (rent receipt, lease or deed, property tax bill)
Proof of total members living in your household (birth certificates, school records, etc…)
Social Security cards (or numbers) for all persons living in your household
Proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residence.
*NOTE: LIHEAP and EHEAP programs are currently not available in all counties
Florida's Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) helps low-income households, with at least one-person age 60 and older, when the households are experiencing a home energy emergency and are unable to pay their FPL bill. Households can receive this type of financial assistance a maximum of twice a year – once during the heating season (October - March) and again during the cooling season (April - September).
Eligibility for this program is determined by a local community agency designated by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.
Households must have:
A documented heating or cooling emergency
At least one individual age 60 or older in the home
A gross household annual income equal to or less than 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines or 60% of the State's median income.
For more information on eligibility requirements and to apply for assistance:
Contact your local Aging and Disability Resource Center
Call the Elder Helpline at 1-800-96-ELDER (1-800-963-5337)
Reach out to a community agency EHEAP provider in your area.
Are you in need? We can help. Our employees, shareholders and caring customers all contribute to help customers in crisis keep their lights on when they need it most. Your household may be eligible to receive up to $750 during a 12-month period to help pay the FPL bill. Please be aware that the need for assistance far exceeds the funding available, so many households may not receive assistance. Additionally, households with seniors, children under 10 or those with disabled persons may be given priority consideration. Funding from the Care To Share program is administered by our local nonprofit and government agency partners.
Each of our partner agencies use the program guidelines shown below in the qualifying process but may add additional requirements based on availability of funding, volume of applicants and other considerations. FPL has no role in determining household eligibility or the amount of assistance an agency may provide. Such decisions are made solely by the administering agencies and their caseworkers/employees.
To be eligible for Care To Share funds, you will need to:
*Note: Fraud and service tampering are very serious offenses. The Florida Public Service Commission grants FPL the right to pursue payment from a customer for any charges related to a fraud or service-tampering activity. None of those charges can be paid for by Care To Share program funds. Customers with a history of fraud or service tampering are not permitted to receive Care To Share funding.
Reach out to your local information and referral service, including calling 2-1-1.
View the list of partner agencies administering Care To Share in your area.
Contact FPL Customer Service for the assistance agency nearest you.
Identification with the same address as the FPL account (you do not need to be the account holder)
Possess a delinquent FPL bill, final notice or disconnect notice
Show proof of a personal or family crisis
Have a plan to pay future bills
Sign an Authorization for Release of General and/or Confidential Information
Some customers are eligible to receive up to $2,000 of financial assistance to perform electrical work at their homes through the FPL Care To Share program. Covered repairs include electrical repairs to damaged meter cans and weather heads. Exclusions include repairs to electric panels or home interior equipment/electric repairs. Know what you own and what FPL owns.
* Note: Fraud and service tampering are very serious offenses. The Florida Public Service Commission grants FPL the right to pursue payment from a customer for any charges related to a fraud or service-tampering activity. None of those charges can be paid for by Care To Share program funds. Customers with a history of fraud or service tampering are not permitted to receive Care To Share funding.
Receive pre-approval from Salvation Army to qualify for reimbursement. In order to be preapproved, the following must be received:
One (1) quote from a licensed and insured electrical contractor.
Photos of damage, including visible FPL meter number.
After being approved and work is completed, customer must provide:
Sometimes customers need a little more time to pay their electric bills. We try to be as flexible as possible. Our online payment extension offers qualifying customers the chance to temporarily extend the due date of their bills. Learn More.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Food and Shelter Program (FEMA/EFSP) occasionally provides non-disaster related living assistance. When funding is available, it can be used to provide the following:
One month's utility bill
One month's rent or mortgage payment
Lodging in a mass shelter or hotel
Food, in the form of served meals or groceries
Minimal repairs to allow a mass feeding or sheltering facility to function during the program year
Equipment necessary to feed or shelter people, up to a $300 limit per item
Qualification and eligibility requirements may vary by county.
There is no national application process. You'll need to reach out to a participating funded organization for help. For the full list of agency names and phone numbers in your community, follow these instructions:
Go to the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program website
Look for "Funded Organizations"
Select your state and county to view the list of providers in your area.
Care To Share support is made possible by the generosity of FPL employees, shareholders and caring customers just like you. All contributions are collected by FPL and distributed to the communities that we serve through a network of nonprofit human-service agencies. Your donations truly make a difference and may be tax-deductible to those customers who volunteer to donate. Donate today.