
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

blue indigo solar field

Florida Power & Light's Solar Energy Commitment

Our customers not only want affordable, reliable power, they also want the energy we deliver to be clean, now and in the future. That’s why we go the extra mile to protect the air we breathe, the water and land we use and the plants and animals that share our planet.

Our goal is to make Northwest Florida a leader in clean, solar energy that keeps costs down for customers and keeps our region beautiful. 


Installing more than 30 million solar panels by 2025

FPL is helping to make Florida one of the largest and most affordable solar states in America with a groundbreaking plan to install 30 million solar panels throughout the state by the end of 2025. To date, FPL operates dozens of solar energy centers across the Sunshine State.

FPL’s solar energy expansion – the largest in the U.S. – is a part of our ambitious Real Zero goal of eliminating carbon emissions from our power plant fleet by no later than 2045. We plan to achieve Real Zero with a diverse mix of solar, batteries, existing nuclear, green hydrogen and other renewables sources. And, as we work toward Real Zero, we intend to keep customer bills low. 

Click on the map below to learn more about our solar energy centers

FPL Solar Energy Centers
Click through each location to learn more about each center.
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In Operation
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Solar Energy Centers
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Solar Energy Center

*A portion of the renewable energy credits associated with FPL-owned solar facilities may be sold or transferred to third parties, who are solely entitled to the reporting rights and ownership of such renewable energy credits.

Supporting local economies

During development, FPL identifies and uses local resources when available. During construction, each solar energy center will create around 200 jobs. Once the site is complete, it will contribute to county’s tax base, helping support everything from local schools to infrastructure and services.

a worker in a safety vest examining a solar panel


Learn about Solar Energy

Solar energy is clean and emissions-free, but what does it mean for you?

Discover the benefits

a solar field during sunset


Solar Stories

See what your neighbors are saying about solar energy.

Hear from residents

aerial view of solar field