Summary of Participation – Terms for the Voluntary Tariff no. 8.932, FPL SolarTogether™ - SunAssist Program
The FPL SolarTogether™ program, is governed by the tariff (STR-Tariff no. 8.932) which is approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (“FPSC”) and the information contained in this document is a summary of the terms governing customer participation in the low-income portion of the program, FPL SolarTogether™ SunAssist Program. The program is created to provide low income customers whose income is at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Level, with an easy way to participate in the benefit of solar power.
FPL will reserve capacity for low income customers:
FPL will allocate 10% of residential capacity, or 37.5 MW, for customers with low income. For the purpose of this program, low income customers are customers whose income is at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Level. Participants in this program will receive immediate bill savings, the monthly subscription charge will be lower than the monthly subscription credit. Additionally, at the time of enrollment, FPL will also advise Low Income participants that they also have an option to participate in a free home energy survey.
Under the FPL SolarTogether Program, participants may elect a subscription level in 1kW increments representing up to 100% of their previous 12-month total kWh usage. Subscription units may only be purchased in 1kW increments. Increase in number of units purchased will be limited to once per year, subject to availability. Following the first billing cycle of the program, participants can decrease their subscription at any time. Moreover, upon customer’s request, participation may be transferred to a new address if the customer moves within the FPL’s service territory.
In all territory served by FPL (“the Company”) low income customers are customers whose income is at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Level and participate in certain state, federal, or local assistance programs, such as such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) and The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).
The FPL SolarTogether SunAssist Program, provides low income customers an opportunity to participate in the economic and environmental benefits of Florida-generated solar power. FPL will construct, operate and maintain commercial-scale, photovoltaic solar generating facilities located within FPL’s service territory.
Customers with low income at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Level and participate in certain state, federal, or local assistance programs, such as such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) and The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).
Limitation of Service
Low income customers whose income is at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Level and participate in certain state, federal, or local assistance programs, such as such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) and The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), may elect to participate in the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist Program.
A customer may terminate participation in the program, following the first billing cycle of the program. However, the customer will not be able to re-enroll for a twelve (12) month period and enrollment will be subject to subscription availability. Participants may also be terminated from the program by the Company if the customer becomes subject to collection and account closed.
Customer is subject to the minimum bill on their otherwise applicable rate schedule. The FPL SolarTogether monthly Subscription Charge and offsetting monthly Subscription Credit will appear as separate line items on a participant’s bill during every month of enrollment, and are subject to all applicable taxes and fees.
Upon participant’s notice of terminations, the program subscription charge and subscription credit will be assessed in the billing period in which participation is terminated.
Term of Service
Not less than one (1) billing cycle. Participants may, at any time, terminate their participation (“Voluntary Termination”) or reduce the number of subscribed units purchased. Participants may also be terminated from the program by the Company if the customer becomes subject to collection and account closed (“Involuntary Termination”). Upon either Voluntary or Involuntary Termination, the account is prohibited from re-enrolling for a twelve (12) month period.
Special Provision
Upon customer request, program participation may continue at a new service address if the customer moves within the FPL’s service territory.
Rules and Regulations
Service under this rider is subject to orders of governmental bodies having jurisdiction and to the currently effective “General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service” on file with the Florida Public Service Commission. In case of conflict between any provisions of this schedule and said “General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service” the provisions of this rider shall apply. The participant subscription is neither a security nor an ownership interest in the solar asset and therefore no owned interest is to be surrendered, sold, or traded.