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Get More With Just a Tap of Our App

Your fingerprint will give you instant, secure access to your account so you can easily manage your power in the palm of your hand - report an outage and receive updates, get real-time bill notifications and reminders, find out about your next month's projected bill amount and more!

Computer screens showing account summary

Bill Reminders

Never worry about missing a payment again. Get timely reminders to help you stay on top.

Woman sitting on couch using mobile device

Outage Reporting

Easily report an outage and track restoration progress with the touch of a button. Plus, get updates via push notifications.

Kids playing around moving boxes

Projected Bill

Don't get caught off guard. Keep your cool knowing that you can see what your bill might be before your payment is due.

hand holding phone with mobile app

Energy Management

Track your current daily, weekly and monthly energy use, see where you're spending the most and make changes that will help you save on your monthly bill.