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Ask the Energy Expert

How do I get the benefits of solar without rooftop panels?

Many customers are interested in the benefits of solar energy but are unable to install panels or don’t want the hassle.


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When I talk to customers about solar energy, many love the idea but can’t install panels or don’t want the hassle. What they often don’t realize is there’s another option that still lets them tap into solar energy. Let’s dive into some questions around this topic.

How do I get the benefits of solar energy without installing panels?

Many people associate "going solar" with installing rooftop panels. As a result, they shy away from solar energy due to installation challenges, costs or simply not wanting the hassle. However, there’s another option – community solar.

This lesser-known solution provides the benefits of solar energy without requiring panels on your roof. Community solar allows anyone to invest in large-scale energy centers without owning and maintaining rooftop panels.

Who can participate?

Whether you rent or own a home, condo or apartment, you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without worrying about installation, maintenance or insurance.

How much does it cost?

Unlike investing in a residential solar system, there are no upfront costs, contracts or cancellation fees associated with community solar. If you move, your subscription transfers with you.

How does it work?

  1. Select your subscription level – You can customize your subscription to match your energy needs and budget. For example, you can choose in one-kilowatt (kW) increments, supporting up to 100% of your home’s energy use.
    For example, a family of four might select a 7 kW subscription, representing 100% of their usage. Subscription charges are fixed, and you can adjust your subscription at any time.

  2. Save money over time – Your monthly bill credits will increase annually, and by the fourth year, your credits are expected to exceed the subscription charges, reducing your overall energy costs. The longer you stay in the program, the more you can save.

How do I get started?

Learn more and enroll in FPL SolarTogether®.

By participating in programs like FPL SolarTogether, you're supporting a cleaner, cost-efficient more sustainable future for generations to come.


In need of financial assistance?

Our SunAssist program provides low-income customers an opportunity to participate and share in the benefits of Florida-generated solar energy.



Amanda Gittens

Meet Amanda

Amanda leads the charge on FPL’s SolarTogether® program. She helps customers enjoy bill savings while supporting a more sustainable future. Today, more than 100,000 customers enjoy the benefits of the program.

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