
Smart meters provide important customer benefits, and that's why they’re now the standard meter FPL provides. However, if you prefer not to have the smart meter, you can choose to enroll in the Non-Standard Meter Option.

If you choose the non-standard meter (the older technology replaced by the smart meter), the benefits of smart meters will not be available to you, and you must pay additional fees to cover the cost of the non-standard service.

For more information about smart meters, read Understanding Smart Meters.

Benefits and Features

Smart Meter (Standard Service)

Non-Standard Meter

Access to the Energy Dashboard, to view your energy use by the hour, day and month

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Access to the Energy Analyzer, to view your energy breakdown automatically ― including the cost of cooling and specific appliances; and how you can save the most.

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Convenience of remote meter reading – no estimated bills for hard-to-reach meters and no more waiting for someone to come to your home

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Hourly usage data to resolve billing questions more efficiently

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Faster connection and reconnection of electricity

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Improved outage detection and faster restoration – often before you call. Ability to use this feature after major storms to restore power more efficiently

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Ability to detect whether an outage is caused by our system or something within your home

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Enrollment fee for non-standard meter service



Monthly surcharge



Frequently Asked Questions

Why must you charge a fee to opt out?

There are extra costs involved in offering the Non-Standard Meter Option. A cost-based fee is the fairest way to allow FPL to offer this non-standard service to our customers who do not want the new technology. It would be unfair to ask the vast majority of our customers to pay for the very small percentage who have asked for an exception to FPL’s standard meter. 

What do the fees cover?

These fees cover the costs to:

  • Set up and administer the Non-Standard Meter Option for each customer
  • Make changes to our outage management and restoration systems to address outage and restoration issues that need to be manually resolved
  • Install a non-standard meter, if necessary
  • Modify the billing system and maintain the systems and processes needed to read the meter manually every month

I refused the smart meter but now I want it. Can I get it installed without paying a fee?

Yes – provided that the Non-Standard Meter Option charges have not already been billed. Please call 800-226-3545 and we’ll schedule the installation. 

If a customer is already enrolled in the Non-Standard Meter Option, a refund may be provided if program participation is canceled within 45 days after the initial charges have been billed (refer to Non-Standard Meter Option Terms & Conditions for complete information). 

What type of alternative meter will you offer?

An eligible customer electing to take a Non-Standard Meter shall be provided with a non-communicating meter of the Company’s choice.

Can I get an analog meter?

The industry phased out the manufacture of analog meters many years ago as more advanced technology became available, which resulted in analog meters becoming scarce. 

FPL currently does not have analog meters in stock for distribution. Digital non-communicating meters – which are compliant with FPL’s Non-Standard Meter Option program – have been the company’s standard of service since 2006. They do not contain any communication equipment and will be used in the event an analog meter needs to be replaced.

Are there any other terms and conditions?

Please refer to Non-Standard Meter Option Terms & Conditions for complete information.