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How to save with home electronics

  • Purchase products with the Energy Star® label to save the most on energy costs
  • Remember to turn off any devices connected to your TV when you are not using them. Many remote controls allow you to turn them on and off with a single button
  • Use smart power strips to control the devices you want to power off
  • Smart power strips can detect if a computer is in sleep mode and can turn off attached devices like monitors, printers, and speakers.  Likewise, you can plug electronics such as your home entertainment system into a smart power strip to automatically cut power to the devices you choose when the power strip senses the TV has been turned off

Flat screen TVs

The older cathode-ray tube TVs with screens sizes less than 32 inches typically use less than 100 watts (W) - about the same as a light bulb. See how today’s flat screen TVs compare.


  • LCD TVs wattage varies by model size: 32-40 inch models average 141 W, 41-50 inches use 185 W, and the average LCD model larger than 50 inches draws over 200 W


  • LED models use slightly less power than LCD screens of the same size

Plasma TVs

  • Plasma models without an Energy Star label were historically the highest energy consumers among the flat screen TVs averaging 298 W for 41-50 inch models, and 364 W for the 51-60 inch models
  • Newer plasma TVs offer energy efficiency levels close to those of the other screen types

Energy Star-qualified TVs

Choosing a flat screen TV with an Energy Star label can save you 30-70 percent in energy costs compared to non-Energy Star labeled models

  • In 2008, the Energy Star 3.0 label limited a 50 inch TV to 238 W
  • In 2010, Energy Star 4.1 limited 50 inch TVs to 153 W
  • Beginning in September 2011, the maximum power of any TV 42 inches or larger will be 108 W - regardless of screen type - to qualify for the Energy Star 5.1 label

If your next TV has the Energy Star 5.1 label, you can watch a big screen TV for five hours a day for less than $20 a year

Other home electronics

Video game consoles

  • The most advanced gaming consoles purchased in 2007 used 118-150 W.  That could add up to over $130 a year if the system were left on all the time
  • In 2010, the newer models of the same brand used less than 90 W
  • The WiiTM is the most energy efficient gaming console of the major brands at about 15 Watts. That’s only about $1 per year if used 2 hours a day

DVD player or VCR

  • DVD players and VCRs use about $7 a year when left on, as compared to about $1 a year when left plugged in but turned off

Surround sound audio system

  • Surround sound audio systems can use more than $30 in electricity if never turned off; a subwoofer will add another $9 per year if left on

Desktop home computer and printer

  • A desktop computer left on all the time will use about $65 a year in electricity.  If you enable the automatic sleep mode, you can cut that down to just $18.50 a year
  • Older computer monitors use an average of $57 per year if left on, compared to a modern LCD monitor, which uses about $24 a year 

A multi-function ink jet printer costs about $8 a year to leave on all the time, while a laser printer can use up to $115 a year if left on

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