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FPL is committed to building a stronger and smarter energy grid you can count on in good weather and bad. We’re continuously working to improve the grid and investing in advanced smart grid technology to deliver reliable service to you. In fact, our investments in strengthening the grid and installing advanced smart grid technologies led to our best-ever reliability performance in 2020.

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Smart grid technology

We’re employing advanced smart grid technology and installing thousands of intelligent devices that help us monitor and manage the health of the energy grid, detect and prevent issues before they happen, and get life back to normal faster when outages do occur.

FPL robot

We’re also integrating emerging technology, including drones, robots and augmented reality – just to name a few – to help locate potential power issues and fix the problem before it affects our customers.

Hand holding mobile device showing FPL app

Smart grid benefits

  • Improved service reliability by 32% since 2008
  • Greater than 99.98% electric service reliability
  • Enhanced detection and prevention of outages
  • Reduction in the number and length of outages
  • Faster repairs and more accurate time estimates for restoration when outages do occur
  • Reduced operating costs and increased efficiencies - helping keep bills low
  • Faster response during high-profile events

See what steps we have taken to improve the energy grid and increase reliability for you.

Learn more