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4 Ways FPL’s all-in-one Energy Manager Can Help You Take Control of Your Energy Bill

Raise your hand if you’ve ever opened an email or piece of mail to see a bill that made you do a double take. Well, if you’re wondering how to lower your energy use and avoid that dreaded double take in the future, you’ve come to the right place!

FPL has the solution you need to save big: the FPL Energy Manager. Now, you can monitor, analyze, simulate and calculate your energy bill with this free online tool, built to give you control of your energy spending. With just a little info from you, the Energy Manager’s suite of options will show you the what, where and why of your home’s energy use giving you the power to save.

The FPL Energy Manager is designed to be your wallet’s best friend. Where are your energy dollars being spent? How can you put more money in your pocket? Now, you can live more sustainably by tracking down which parts of your home are using the most energy and target these areas with our energy-saving tips.

Here’s how the free FPL Energy Manager can help you take control, so you can confidently open your next bill knowing you’re saving big!

1. FPL Energy Dashboard

Get to know your energy bill as if you were taking it out on a hot date. The comprehensive Energy Dashboard helps you understand your usage by the month, day or hour. It allows you to pinpoint where you use the most energy in your home and discover how factors such as your cycle length and temperature can impact your bill.

You can do this by easily toggling between three tabs (monthly, daily, hourly) and different usage views. Change your view based on your billing cycle, a specific date or by temperature versus humidity level. Compare changes to your bill from the previous cycle.

You can even take a look ahead at next month’s bill with a smart projection, so you can plan ahead — which means no more surprises when opening your bill!

2. FPL Energy Analyzer

Put on your detective hat and investigate your energy usage with the Energy Analyzer. It’s designed to put a magnifying glass to your home, giving you a detailed look at where you are spending energy and what appliances are costing you the most. The platform is broken down into categories such as cooling, electric vehicle, lighting, heating, kitchen, refrigeration and more — so you can learn how to use less and save more.

Pro Tip: Be extra suspicious of that air conditioner. These guys have a reputation for being the number one driver of higher energy bills, and A/C costs can actually represent 50% or more of your bill every month!

3. FPL Energy Survey

To really get the most out of our Energy Analyzer, you should complete the FPL Energy Survey, which aims to answer one simple question: How energy efficient is your house?

This tool refines the outputs of the Energy Analyzer to be more specific to your home. Without the survey inputs, you may receive general and sometimes estimated information. Survey results fine-tune and customize those EA results, and the graphs can take on a totally different shape!

FPL’s Energy Survey will analyze your current home so you can understand how you can lower your bill. You’ll answer questions related to home details such as the type of thermostat you have and the percentage of impact-resistant windows.

This questionnaire aims to:

●      Inspect your home's energy usage.

●      Increase the accuracy of the Energy Analyzer

●      Provide valuable tips on how to maximize your home's energy efficiency.

●      Provide energy solutions specific to your household needs.

●      Share FPL programs and incentives available to you.

As an added bonus, simply answering the questions through FPL’s Energy Survey automatically enters you into the Home Energy Makeover Sweepstakes, valued at $10,000.

Pro tip: If you do any notable energy efficient upgrades to your home, such as swapping your lightbulbs with smart ones, changing out your A/C, or replacing your windows, you should update your survey results for more accuracy.

4. FPL Energy Simulator

Once you’ve completed FPL’s Energy Survey, you’ll unlock this final Energy Manager option!

What if you turned up your thermostat from 72 degrees to 78 degrees during the day? What if your LED lightbulb usage went up from 25% to 50%? Use the Energy Simulator and see how small changes like these can save you big over time. It’s a fun way to play around and get an idea of what changes you can make in your home to impact your bill.

Now that you've brushed up on all the capabilities of the FPL Energy Manager, are you ready to start saving? Wanna do it with somebody? If you think you have what it takes to become an energy saving rockstar, don’t miss out on FPL’s music-themed Savings to Sing About trivia game! From Aug. 24 to Nov. 2, you can play by visiting to test your knowledge for a chance to win big.

energy manager