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How do I access/export the 15-minute interval data for demand?

Within the Demand Heat Map window, click the download button to view/export to Excel.

What browsers can I use with the Business Energy Manager?

This site supports the latest two versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

Can I use the Business Energy Manager with a mobile device?

Yes, within the limitations of your device and browser.

How is my data protected?

FPL takes the security of our customers’ information very seriously. We have well-established policies and processes, and systems to help ensure the security of customer information.

All your information is kept confidential. To deliver these insights about your energy use, we use industry-leading technology to analyze and deliver your customized energy-saving tips and recommendations, and the latest encryption technologies to safeguard this information.

Your data is protected in three ways. First, we require a secure browser to access account information. Secure browsers employ Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to communicate with servers. Second, your FPL username and password are required to access the account data. Third, after a period of inactivity, your current session on the website will automatically time out. You will be required to re-enter your username and password.

Why is interval data not available?

Electronic meters are reliable and accurate, but sometimes interval data can be unavailable. This can happen for several reasons, including:

  • instances in which actual power use registered during that hour is less than one kilowatt hour (kWh);
  • temporary communication issues with your smart meter and the wireless network;
  • delays in the system where the usage data is stored; and
  • power outages during which there is no usage of electricity.

You can check back in a day or two to see if the usage information is available in these instances. Your monthly usage and bill are based on the monthly meter reading, so they are accurate and are unaffected when data is not available in the usage chart. We provide this data so you can monitor your usage and gain insight into how you use energy throughout the month.

I cannot log in to my account. What should I do?

Your login consists of your username and a password that you created on If you do not remember your username or password, please reset them, or visit Login Help.

I have multiple FPL accounts. Can I view multiple accounts using one login?

Yes.  The Business Energy Manager is designed for you to view all of your accounts using one login.  Simply click the account you wish to view.

Can I easily switch between multiple accounts once logged into the Business Energy Manager?

Yes.  From any screen, click in the top right corner as follows:

  • Multi-account – click on View by Account
  • Individual account – click on Switch Account

From either option, click on the account you would like to view.


Why is temperature data missing?

The Business Energy Manager uses weather data collected from the closest major weather station. There are situations outside of our control when weather readings do not get collected, which include: hardware failures, natural disasters, etc. While these occurrences are rare, if weather data is missing, we exclude the null data points when calculating average daily temperature.

How much data is in the Business Energy Manager?

Depending on your rate and the type of meter at your facility, you may be able to view up to two years of 15-minute intervals of energy data.

How do I export the interval data into Excel?

By clicking the Monthly/Daily/Hourly download button in the upper right corner of the Energy Usage tab.  Download and open the file in Excel.

What am I able to print from the Business Energy Manager?

From the desktop application, print Energy Usage, Current Usage, Energy Breakdown by selecting the print button.

What is the Energy Breakdown?

The Energy Breakdown asks questions about your business to deliver a more personalized experience. After answering the questions in this section, we will personalize your load profile in the Energy Breakdown.  This helps to better rank recommendations and provide you with options to optimize your usage and help understand your load profile.

What energy efficiency programs are available?

FPL offers programs and rebates designed to help businesses save money. View programs to learn more information.

I would like to show my coworkers and trade allies my energy data. Is it safe to share my password?

To ensure the security of your energy data, do not share your username and password with anyone. Each business account can have multiple users on the Business Energy Manager.

Where can I find more information about business rates and charges.

For more information about rates you can visit our Rates information page.

View our business rates for detailed breakdown.