
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

FPL SolarTogether SunAssist® Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist program?
  • Who can participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist?
  • How are customers pre-approved to participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist?
  • When will I be able to enroll in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist?
  • Why am I not eligible to participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist?
  • How is FPL SolarTogether SunAssist different from FPL SolarTogether® and FPL SolarNow®?
  • If I participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist, how much solar energy can I subscribe to?
  • If I participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist, will FPL be installing panels on my roof?
  • Where will FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers be built? Must I live in the same community as the solar energy centers?
  • With my participation in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist, will the solar energy produced through the program be delivered directly to my residence?
  • Does enrolling in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist impact my current electric rate structure?
  • If I participate in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist when will billing begin?
  • What does the monthly subscription charge represent in the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist program?
  • What does the monthly subscription credit represent in the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist program?
  • When can I expect to see the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist subscription lower my monthly FPL energy bill?
  • How will I know if I will get the total subscription amount requested during my enrollment in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist?
  • What does it mean if my status is “Reserved?”
  • What if FPL SolarTogether SunAssist is sold out and I want to participate?
  • After I enroll in FPL SolarTogether SunAssist, can I unsubscribe or make changes to my subscription?
  • What if I move – is my participation in the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist program transferable?
  • What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?
  • How will FPL SolarTogether solar energy centers perform during/after hurricanes? Will my subscription be impacted?
  • Will participants in FPL SolarNow be impacted by this new program?
  • How does the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist Program compare to private (rooftop) solar?
  • What are the FPL SolarTogether SunAssist Program terms and conditions?