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Net Metering

Residential Application Information

Net metering application process

To install or activate a system, submit your application by following these steps. 

Install new

Begin your net metering application now. Save your progress as you go. You can log out and log back in anytime to continue or check your status.

Get your system size pre-approved before installation. Your contractor will enter technical information if you have granted them access. If adding equipment to a previously installed system, wait to sign the Interconnection Agreement until the new details are added.

Install your renewable generation system, get it inspected by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) in your area and upload the final or completed permit.

Sign the Interconnection Agreement for Customer-Owned Renewable Generation, upload the necessary documents (if required) and submit your application. You'll receive emails updating you on the application status. If the application won't submit or the inverter is missing in the equipment step, contact us.

For systems larger than 10 kW AC, an invoice will be sent via email. Submit the application fee by mail, ACH, or wire transfer, and include the invoice number. Even if submitted, the application won't be reviewed until payment is received.

We’ll review and approve your application or return it for deficiencies. You'll receive emails updating you on the status.

Once approved, a bi-directional meter will be installed which will measure the electricity flowing into your location and how much is pushed back to the grid. The energy your system generates is first used by your home or business and is not recorded by our meter. You will receive an email once you can begin operating your system and enjoying its benefits.

Activate Existing

Begin your net metering application now to benefit from your existing renewable generation system. Review your current system's information and make updates as needed.

Sign the Interconnection Agreement for Customer-Owned Renewable Generation, upload the necessary documents (if required) and submit your application. You'll receive emails updating you on the application status. If the application won't submit or the inverter is missing in the equipment step, contact us.

We’ll review and approve your application or return it for deficiencies. You'll receive emails updating you on the status.

You can now operate your system and enjoy the benefits. You’ll receive a final email confirmation.

Before starting a new application, please make sure you have selected a default account in your online profile.
You can set an account to be your default account by visiting our Manage Accounts page and using the dropdown option.

Net Metering FAQs

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Before investing in a solar system, start a net metering application with us. We must preapprove your system before installation.

2. Once approved and you sign the Net Metering Agreement, you can install your system.

3. You or your contractor must complete the application requirements based on your tier level and submit it.  Note: Tier 2, (10 to 100 kW) and Tier 3 (100 kW to 2 MW) systems also require proof of liability insurance and an application fee.

4. We’ll review your application and either approve it or return it for corrections. Once approved, we’ll install a meter that measures both the quantity and the direction of electricity flow.

The energy your system generates is first used by your home or business. When your system produces more electricity (kWh) than you need, the excess is recorded by the meter as it flows back into our grid.

"kWh remaining" on your bill shows the excess electricity your system has produced this year. If this number is greater than zero, it equals the "renewable energy you delivered" to the grid, minus the "kWh received" from us.

As a net metering customer, you’ll receive a bill similar to your current one. However, part of the electricity your system generates will be consumed by you and not provided or billed by us. If your system produces more electricity than you use during the month, the excess is added to your energy bank for future use. Excess electricity sent to the grid and kWh reserve information are under the “Keep in Mind” section of your bill. If you have unused kilowatt hours (kWh) in your bank when your meter is read in December, a cash credit will be applied to your December bill.

Our $25 minimum base bill ensures all customers contribute to fixed system costs, which do not vary with electricity usage. These costs include poles, transformers and wires used by all customers, including net metering customers.

Several types of renewable energy systems are eligible for net metering: 

  • Solar energy (photovoltaic)
  • Wind energy
  • Biomass (landfill gas or methane)
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Ocean energy (tidal power or ocean currents)
  • Hydrogen
  • Waste heat
  • Geothermal energy

Each solar system is different and produces varying amounts of electricity daily. You can use the PVWATTS1 Solar Calculator to estimate how much a system can generate in Florida or contact your contractor for specific information. 

The “kWh received” is the amount of electricity your system produced this year beyond what you consumed from us. It’s a running credit showing the energy your system produced but hasn’t been used to offset what you consumed from us.  

The requirements to sign up for net metering depend on your systems’ size. There are three tiers based on system size:

  • Tier 1: 0 – 10 kW
  • Tier 2: Greater than 10 kW and less than or equal to 100 kW
  • Tier 3: Greater than 100 kW and less than or equal to 2 MW

Note: All tier sizes are based on the AC Gross Power Rating, which equals the DC rating of your solar array times 0.85. Get more information.

For questions, email us at NWFLNetMetering@FPL.com.

If you have additional questions, email NWFLNetMetering@NEE.com or call (877) 655-4001 @ 7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (Mon. – Fri.)
