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Back-to-school costs can add up quickly. Encourage your family to change a few habits around the house to help save energy and money. FPL’s easy energy efficiency tips will help you start the school year right and get an A+ in savings.

  • If you’re looking to upgrade your family’s computer this school year, consider buying a laptop; it requires 50 to 80 percent less power than a desktop. Always look for the ENERGY STAR® label to save more.
  • Back to school = book reports and papers, lots of them. Opt for a multi-function ink jet printer, which costs about $8 a year if left on vs. a laser printer, which can use up to $44 a year if left on.
  • Use the microwave or toaster oven to make meals for your kids instead of using the stove top, to save time and money.
  • Juggling work, carpooling and after-school activities can leave you with little time to prepare dinner. Plan your meals ahead of time and cook larger meals that can be made in the oven at the same time and then reheat smaller portions in the microwave when needed.
  • With kids back in school and the laundry piling up, save energy and money by rinsing clothes in cold water. Remember to clean out your lint filter before every load to dry clothes faster and use less energy.
  • Water can be a big energy consumer. Remind your kids to turn off running water when they’re brushing their teeth and take shorter showers to cut down on costs.
  • Video game consoles can add up energy costs, especially when left on all the time. Save energy and money opting for a board game night or spending time outdoors with your family and remind your kids to turn off the video game console when they are done. 
  • Challenge your entire family – yes, even the little ones – to save energy, and reward them with a movie night or trip to the ice cream store. You can even keep track of their energy-saving habits and award points for:
    • Turning off the fan when they leave a room
    • Turning off the lights when they leave a room
    • Helping you fill up the dishwasher vs. pre-rinsing dishes

To see how you are using energy in your household, log in to your Energy Dashboard. You can also take our Energy Manager to get personalized tips and recommendations.

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