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Renewable Energy Generators


Follow these steps to participate in the program:

  1. Review FPL's Net Metering Guidelines to help you achieve a system that best suits your needs.
  2. Begin the application process online to obtain pre-approval for your system size prior to installing your renewable generation system. The information you will need to obtain a pre-approval are:
    • The FPL account number where the system will be installed
    • Tax payer identification number (SSN or EIN) matching the name on the FPL account
    • Equipment size and details
  3. After you receive the pre-approval online, install your renewable generation system
  4. Sign the interconnection agreement available in the online application
  5. Once installation is complete, have your system inspected by the local authority that has jurisdiction and upload a copy of the approved permit or a print screen from the local authority’s website indicating the permit has been approved that includes the following:
    • Electrical and mechanical inspection signed off / approved by the local inspector
    • Description of work (example: solar, solar panels, PV, wind turbine, etc.)
    • Address where the system was installed
    • Permit number
    • Building department name
  6. An invoice will be sent to you for the $1,000 application fee. Submit the application fee by mail, ACH, or wire transfer, and include the invoice number. Even if submitted, the application won't be reviewed until payment is received.
  7. FPL will send you an email acknowledgement upon receipt of the documents listed above.
  8. Once all of the documentation has been received and approved, FPL will send you an email confirming that a bi-directional meter has been ordered. Do not begin parallel operation until your bi-directional meter is installed.
  9. After the bi-directional meter is installed, FPL will send you an email with permission to operate your new renewable generation system.
  1. Review FPL's Net Metering Guidelines to help you achieve a system that best suits your needs.
  2. Begin the application process online to obtain pre-approval for your system size prior to installing your renewable generation system.  The information you will need to obtain a pre-approval are:
    • The FPL account number where the system will be installed
    • Tax payer identification number (SSN or EIN) matching the name on the FPL account
    • Equipment size and details
  3. After you receive the pre-approval online, install your renewable generation system
  4. Sign the interconnection agreement available in the online application
  5. An invoice will be sent to you for the $400 application fee. Submit the application fee by mail, ACH, or wire transfer, and include the invoice number. Even if submitted, the application won't be reviewed until payment is received.
  6. Once installation is complete, have your system inspected by the local authority that has jurisdiction and upload a copy of the approved permit or a print screen from the local authority’s website indicating the permit has been approved that includes the following:
    • Electrical and mechanical inspection signed off / approved by the local inspector
    • Description of work (example: solar, solar panels, PV, wind turbine, etc.)
    • Address where the system was installed
    • Permit number
    • Building department name
  7. Upload documentation showing proof of insurance in the amount of no less than $1 million per section 11 of the interconnection agreement; please verify the location address is listed on the insurance certificate.
  8. Upload the electrical one-line diagram and specification sheet for the inverter. For non-inverter based renewable energy systems, the drawing must include the electrical and physical location of the visual manual load break disconnect switch, kVA rating, power factor, and the customer's estimated fault current contribution at the point of interconnection.
  9. Review your completed application online and submit it to FPL. 
  10. FPL will send you an email acknowledgement upon receipt of the documents listed above.
  11. Once all the documentation has been received and approved, FPL will send you an email confirming that a bi-directional meter has been requested. Do not begin parallel operation until your bi-directional meter is installed.
  12. After the bi-directional meter is installed FPL, will send you an email with permission to operate your new renewable generation system.
  1. Review FPL's Net Metering Guidelines to help you achieve a system that best suits your needs.
  2. Begin the application process online prior to installing your renewable generation system. The information you will need to submit is:
    • The FPL account number where the system will be installed
    • Tax payer identification number (SSN or EIN) matching the name on the FPL account
    • Equipment size and details
    • Single Line Diagram (Note: For non-inverter based renewable energy systems, the drawing must include the electrical and physical location of the visual manual load break disconnect switch)
    • Inverter Specification Sheet, if an inverter based system
    • Sign the interconnection agreement available in the online application
  3. Review your completed application online and submit to FPL. 
  4. FPL will send you an email acknowledgement upon receipt of the documents listed above.
  5. An invoice will be sent to you for the $1,000 application fee. Submit the application fee by mail, ACH, or wire transfer, and include the invoice number. Even if submitted, the application won't be reviewed until payment is received.
  6. Once we receive payment, we will review the application and notify you of any deficiencies.
  7. Once all deficiencies have been clarified, we will deem it a complete application.
  8. Once we have a completed application, FPL will review your plans and the equipment that serves you, to make sure all systems are compatible through a Fast Track screening process and provide results within 10 business days. If the system does not pass the Fast Track screens, a study may be required at an additional fee.
  9. After you receive the successful Fast Track screening results, you may install your renewable generation system.
  10. Once installation is complete, have your system inspected by the local authority that has jurisdiction. Submit a copy of the approved permit or a print screen from the local authority’s website indicating the permit has been approved, which includes the following:
    • Electrical and mechanical inspection signed off / approved by the local inspector
    • Description of work (example: solar, solar panels, PV, wind turbine, etc.)
    • Address of where the system was installed
    • Permit number
    • Building department name
  11. Upload documentation showing proof of insurance in the amount of no less than $2 million per section 13 of the interconnection agreement. Please verify the location address is listed on the insurance certificate.
  12. Once all of the documentation has been received and approved, FPL will send you an email that a bi-directional meter has been requested. Do not begin parallel operation until your bi-directional meter is installed.
  13. After the bi-directional meter is installed, FPL will send you an email with permission to operate your new renewable generation system.

An invoice will be sent to you for the $1,000 application fee. Submit the application fee by mail, ACH, or wire transfer, and include the invoice number. Even if submitted, the application won't be reviewed until payment is received.

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