If you participate in certain state, federal, or local assistance programs, such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), you are eligible to join SunAssist.
The savings example is based on an average subscription of 6 kilowatts (kW). Your individual savings could vary due to your eligible subscription level.
Only available to FPL customers whose household is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and who take service under a metered rate schedule with no delinquent balances with FPL. Please complete all required fields in the form below.
By submitting the form, you acknowledge and agree to the program terms and conditions. FPL will use third party data to verify household eligibility. If the account is unable to be verified, it will not be enrolled in the program. Upon verification of eligibility, enrollment will be processed within 60 days. At any time after enrollment, FPL may request participants to provide proof of eligibility, and if participant refuses or is unable to provide such verification of eligibility, participant will be removed from the program.
Please allow a few moments for your submission to be processed. Once complete, you will see a confirmation page. Thank you for your patience.
Our advocacy partners can assist us in securing federal funding to provide you with financial assistance on your energy bill.
To qualify for this program, FPL customers must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. FPL customers who participate in certain state, federal, or local assistance programs, such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), are eligible to participate in the program, subject to verification. Within three months of enrollment in the program, you must submit proof of eligibility for the program by submitting to FPL documentation verifying eligibility and/or participation in one or more of the LIHEAP, EHEAP, or SNAP assistance programs. If unable to provide proper verification, you will forfeit your eligibility and be removed from the program. Customers whose billing records show a history of participation in LIHEAP, EHEAP, or SNAP assistance may be exempt from the requirement to provide additional documentation. FPL reserves the right to verify eligibility requirements above at any time following enrollment. Participants will be enrolled at 100% of their eligible subscription and are subject to the program terms and conditions. You can modify your subscription at any time following enrollment. A monthly subscription charge and credit will appear as two separate line items on your bill. The subscription credit will always exceed the charge. The charge is $5.57 and the credit is $6.27 for each kW subscribed. The energy delivered to your home will continue to be from all FPL generating sources.